Keep your table tops free from the clutter of magazines with Dakota Wave's unique magazine coffee tables and magazine end tables. The magazine coffee table has six double wide pockets to hold twelve or more magazines, while the three sided magazine end table has three double wide pockets and 6 extra wide pockets to hold over 12 magazines. With solid oak sides and a laminate top, these tables are able to withstand years of abuse. Black granite look tops are scratch resistant and very easy to clean. Slide brackets make assembly quick and easy with the use of no tools. Stylish, economical, and comfortable, our Dakota Wave series chairs and sofas are built to last. They are constructed of one inch thick solid oak with a beautiful, durable, state-of-the-art finish. Prairie series features a fully upholstered, full length, arched back. They are available in four styles of fabric and vinyl, and are California TB 117 compliant. Assembly is a breeze with the use of slide brackets, as no tools are required. |